Inflatable or blow-up trampolines are lightweight and portable. If space is a concern then you can easily deflate, fold and store them under the bed, in the trunk or closet. This quality also makes them easy to carry with you if you are going for a family outing.
Their small size permits them to be set up inside your home in the chilly winters. They may or may not come with enclosure nets but are safe for kids owing to the absence of metallic springs and frames that could cause injuries. Their non-toxic construction makes them environment-friendly.
4 of the Best Inflatable Trampolines to Consider if you are looking to Buy One
Castle Trampoline Inflatable Toys, Children’s Trampoline

The kid’s indoor trampoline boasts of bright colours and cool shapes. It can be placed in a pool or in a garden according to your preferences.
Atomic Bouncer Inflatable Trampoline

Inbuilt grommets with ropes allow the trampoline to be anchored to the ground. Heavy duty anchors and repair patch are included in the package.
FEDYS Inflatable Trampoline for Kids Indoor/Outdoor

This blow-up trampoline is suitable for kids aged between 2 and 12 years. The protective pad and mesh prevents injuries while jumping.